Essay on Writing | The Art of Writing


essay on writing

Today we are discussing an essay on writing, so the main goal of the essay is Essay on Writing or The art of writing, so without wasting time let's get into our topic.

Writing is an art, but every artist cannot be a writer, similarly every writer is not supposed to have developed the aptitude for this art, in some cases the quality of writing is natural, but in others it can be developed. If one joins this line, he must have determination, qualities of steadfastness and love for the same. 

I was born in a village located on the border of Punjab and Baluchistan, far away from the hustle and bustle of city life, practically cut off from the mainstream of the country- its culture, changing world order and bringing new ideas, hence I was left to myself, no member of my family was highly educated father had studied upto Primary and he expired when I was hardly four, I had to find my own path, did develop reading habits inspired through my teachers who used to study the daily news paper regularly, it was a craze for them, thus I started reading and had studied enough depending upon the village school library, my method of study was just like Abraham Lincoin of America who was born in a family of economically backward, but his way of study was whosoever came to his village, he tried to contact him and studied from him whatever he could, he had become President of United States of America and was assassinated on the issue of abolition of slavery. 

Prior to writing one has to develop perspective- mental view of relative importance of things as without observation one cannot give a shape to what he or she wants to do. Similarly a poet or writer must be sensitive, he has to touch a point very closely and make it to draw its picture in his mind, then on the paper, as a poet sees a flower, immediately his ideas go to the Almighty who created fragrance in it, but the ordinary person who is not sensitive, will take it lightly. 

A writer is the conscience of the people, he has to plead their cause in his own way, e.g., suppose there is one third population in India with below poverty line, he understands that the society is exploiting them In one way or the other, he has to suggest ways and means through his writings so that bringing awakening among those who are deprived of their due rights, as rights and duties are co-related, it depends on the circumstances, environments and atmosphere in which they are placed; in case there is no democracy and under the despotic rule the writer has to be careful when he takes up their cause.

A writer has to develop his qualities of writing, must have fertile brain and go on writing, there are officers having well placed position, will give only direction and guidelines to their personal Assistant or Steno typist who will put up beautiful draft before him, it is due to practice that a junior official can prepare a better draft than his senior boss, practice makes a man perfect.

I started writing in 1942 when I was at Lahore a seat of learning prior to partition, my start was articles for the children which were published in GULDASTA, PHOOL, GAHWARA and other articles appeared in different magazines for social uplift of the society.

Freedom of expression is enshrined in the Indian Constitution, thus he is free to write whatever he wants but he is not supposed to injure the feelings of his readers, after all there are norms of writing, people may knock at the door of the Court if something is published against them. A wise journalist is fully aware of that and takes precautions always.

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One can spare time to study other writers, e.g. there are very good authors, story writers, poets and specialists in their respective taste, one should study them keeping in mind idea of comparative study. Latest research is going on in every field. 

A Research scholar carries heavy responsibility over his shoulders, he is required to be unbiased, he has to bring his judgement on the basis of record available, some time the result comes against his wishes, but as a man of justice he has to punish his own son if he is found guilty on the basis of proofs. There are complaints regarding distortion of History, the historian must be true to his profession, hence truth must prevail as far the records, witnesses, facts and other relevant material speak, he should stick to that.

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