Essay on Human Rights and Values


Essay on Human Right

Welcome back to Short English Essay Our today's topic and essay is on Human Rights and Values. So, without wasting time let's start our essay on human right and values.

Thoughtful people in all walks of life are greatly disturbed by a progressive erosion of values and the resultant pollution of public life. The fact that this crisis of values is as pervasive in schools, colleges and universities, amongst teachers as well as students as in other walks of life, is seen as a highly dangerous development.

Erosion of values is definitely disturbing but the real threat lies in its being progressive right from the time India became free. National leaders and educationists have been seized of the situation all through, Consequently Government of India has been emphasizing the importance of character formation in our educational institutions. Unfortunately recommendations in this regard were hardly put into practice.

The growing concern over the erosion of essential values has brought to focus the need for readjustments the curriculum in order to make education a forceful tool for the cultivation of social and moral values. Teachers occupy a privileged position when we take up this trend in the institutions. Frankly speaking they are only one force to influence the society In general and their students in particular but there are many other agencies like Home, Religion. Professional, social & cultural organizations the Government, Public Media and so on which play no less a role in shaping the personalities of people. Guru Robindernath Tagore once said when the setting Sun was worried as to who would provide light to the Universe in absence, a little earthen lamp took up the challenge and assured the mightly Sun that it would do its best to dispel the darkness :Anyhow we must not be pessimistic when we are going to build the nation. Aristotle, the disciple of Plato is of the view that virtue and happiness are the main aims of an ideal education, as through which a life of nobility, discipline and high character can be acquired.

In 1995 the UNO invited a world Conference on Education in India the host was D.A.V. College for women, Amritsar, 500 delegates from many countries participated and proclaimed the Amritsar Declaration on Human Rights. Education upholding and supporting Vienna Declaration. Special attention was given to women empowerment and Rights of the Child. The fourth World Conference was invited on Women at Baijing from September 4-15 (1995) by U.N.O. 30,000 women and champions touched Poverty, Education, Health, Violence, Armed and other conflicts, Economic Participation, Power Sharing, Decision-making and Human Rights etc. etc.

In the past two and a half years of the U.N. Decade for Human Rights Education mankind has witnessed frantic efforts on this globe to promote human dignity and fundamental freedoms. Never before in human history did we ever witness such stupendous efforts committed to World peace and prosperity. We are grateful to the constant efforts of the United Nations which realized that only course of bright and happy future is to accept the ancient wisdom of Bharat- Vusudheva Kutumbakam. THE WHOLE WORLD IS A FAMILY. Family has been the most cherished and abiding institution in all parts of the globe inhabited by many different races. Inspite of onslaught and constant conflicts, internal and external skirmishes, the family remains a well knit unit for a happy life.

The supreme challenge in the U.N. Decade for Human Right Education 1995-2004 and on the threshold of the 21st century is- How to help the entire human race to live like a family. "The vision of the decade is that by the end of the century all humanity will become human rights literate, and participate in the decisions that determine our lives." Transformation in the ability of each one of us to live by higher values is the first and essential step towards a society in which human rights and values are fully restored. Education have a primary role in promoting human rights and values, it contributes to the promotion of equity, peace and the universal realization of Human rights, it may develop self respect and social awakening.

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There are lot of problems to day and the society does not enjoy peace and happiness. There is poverty, disease, unemployment, sickness, hatred and what not to-day, we may call it the age of transformation, the environment is going to change, it will be definitely for the better world where there would be no one hungry. Unless we imbibe simplicity in our thought and action we cannot have creativity in the new world.

During the last sixty years Science has made tremendous progress, life has become more comfortable yet lots of accidents and pitfalls do disturb us, but the coming times, we expect will bring revolution, teachers are required to inculcate high values as their students silently watch them and follow their example.

In 'Chankiya Neeti' the life span, Deeds, Property, Education and Death were declared as bestowed upon living human by Almighty from its inception in the Mother's womb, with the advent of liberty (1947) India declared a number of human Rights in its constitution (1950) and later SAARC countries enjoined them, whereas British had already included Punishment for violation of Human Rights long before the Indian Penal Code. Gradually as the civilization progressed, attempts were made by Philosophers social and political thinkers like Rousseau, Ruskin, Plato etc. on the issue but Duties always over weighted the Rights in ancient day.

As per statement of Boutros Ghali the then Secretary General U.N.O. declared on 31st January, 1992 that the hundreds of millions who gained their independence in the surge of decolonization are having awareness for their rights and major nuclear powers have begun to negotiate arms reduction agreements, the proliferation of weapons etc, which is a clear sign of awareness among the various states of the World.

Peace keeping can rightly be called the invention of the United Nations. It has brought a degree of stability to numerous areas of tension around the world. The United Nations has had wide experience in the application of peaceful means. If conflicts have gone un-resolved, it is not because techniques for peaceful settlement were un-known or inadequate. The fault lies first in the lack of political will of parties to seek a solution to their difference through such means as are suggested in chapter VI of the U.N. Charter.

The World Court is an International Court of Justice, it is an important step on the part of the U.N.O. to settle disputes of different countries of the world. The Member States should accept the general jurisdiction of it without any reservation.

It is important that States confronted with, special economic problems have the right to consult the Security Council, but also have a realistic possibility of having their difficulties addressed.

There is a need to ensure that the lessons of the past four decades are learnt and that the errors or variations of them are not repeated. For there may not be a third opportunity for our planet which now for different reasons, remains endangered.

It is the responsibility of all States to develop and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

At the end I must repeat that rights of women and of the children are integral part of universal human rights. The full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life at the national, regional and international level, and the eradication of all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex are priority objectives of the international community.

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