Shakespeare's Macbeth - Macbeth No Fear Shakespeare


Macbeth by Shakespeare is an amazing book and today we are here to summarize No Fear Shakespeare macbeth in simple words. So, without wasting time let's get into the topic Macbeth no fear Shakespeare.

In India, reading habit is still to be inculcated. But some people who have got habit of reading, do feel some difficulty in selection of books. Every body can not easily procure great books, because some are very costly and others are not easily available. Great Books have been written by greatmen of the World, on History, Economics, Literature, Science, Technology, Medicine, Engineering, Electronics etc. With the object in view, the gist of 'Macbeth' the famous play of Shakespeare, is being reproduced here, to enable the readers, to understand it and go through it in a short duration and understand it very easily.

Macbeth was written in 1605-1606 by Shakespeare, who was at the height of his power. Many critics regard it as the greatest of the tragedies. Willium Shakespeare was Christened in Stratford, about a 100 miles, North-West of London, on April 26, 1564. He received education in a Grammar School, which was narrow, but thorough. He went to London in about 1586. It appears that most of his great vitality, went for the theatre. He wrote very many plays e.g. Merchant of Venice, As you like it; Henry V. Much Ado about Nothing; Romeo and Juliet; A Midsummer Night Dream; and a few more.

STORY OF MACBETH (ACT I) no fear shakespeare macbeth act 1

Macbeth and Banque, two commanding Generals under King Duncan of Scotland, achieved victory, over a rebel army. On their return, from battle, they are accosted by three witches, who hail Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawder, and future king of Scotland. They promised Banque that his sons shall sit upon the Macbeth is already Thane of Glamis. During this time Messengers from the king Duncan arrive and he is conferred the title of Thane of Cawder. Since these two terms of the witches prove correct, Macbeth secretly hope for the third, the throne itself. He communicates this wish to his wife. And they develop into a plot against the king. The Monarch, suspecting nothing, seeks to do Macbeth still further honour, by visiting him.

(ACT II) no fear shakespeare macbeth act 2

When king visits the fort of Macbeth, he is killed by Macbeth, aided by his wife. Malcolm and Donalbain, the king's sons flee the country in terror. In their absence, Macbeth, as next heir, is crowned, king of Scotland. The third prediction of the witches is accomplished, though at a price of blood.

(ACT III) no fear shakespeare macbeth act 3

Macbeth is not satisfied because Banque was promised by the weird sisters, that his children shall one day sit on the throne. Macbeth plots to kill Banque and his only son Fleance. He arranges a great feast and invites Banque and his son. On their way Banque is slain by murderers in Macbeth's employ, but Fleance escapes. During the feast king Macbeth says his chief guest Banque is not present. This he says to divert suspicion for he has already received news of Banque's Murder. All of a sudden, ghost of Banque appears at Macbeth's seat; No one sees him except Macbeth, but his alarm causes the banquet to break up in confusion.

(ACT IV) no fear shakespeare macbeth act 4

Macbeth again interviews with the witches who warn him to beware of Macduff. He is promised that "None of woman born, shall harm Macbeth." He is advised to fear naught till Birnam wood shall come against him. He further asks if Banque's children shall reign in the kingdom. The witches show that the crown is assigned to them. After the witches leave, he learns that Macduff has escaped to England to join forces with Malcolm, the late king's eldest son. Enraged Macbeth puts Lady Macduff and her children to the sword.

(ACT V) no fear shakespeare macbeth act 5

Lady Macbeth is almost insane. She walks in her sleep. And tries to wash imaginary blood stains from her hands. Finally she expires. Macbeth also is growing tired of life. He gets information that Birnam wood is moving against him. The moving woods are really branches of the trees of Birnam lopped of and carried by invading troops of Malcolm and Macduff. Macbeth rushes forth to battle. He fights with great strength. But in the fight Macbeth is slain, "as Macduff was from his mother's womb untimely ripped. Thus Malcolm is hailed, king of Scotland.


So How was the story. isn't its amazing hope you enjoyed reading no fear shakespeare mecbeth act 1 to 5. If you liked the summary then make sure to aprreciate us in comment section. Meet you at next topic.
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